Dr. Zempléni András, Head of Programme
Eötvös Loránd University, Mathematical Institute
email: andras.zempleni[]ttk.elte.hu
phone: +36-1-3722500 ext.8102
Applicant should have at least an undergraduate level degree in (a) mathematics or physics or (b) one the following areas: economics, informatics, technology teacher training, sciences, provided that the sum of earned credits in mathematical courses during the previous studies is at least 50.
Apply with the completed form provided. Documents to be attached: the copy of the university degree and the language exam certificate and if the application is based on one of the areas listed in point b) of the acceptance criterion, then certification is needed on the completed mathematical courses.
The completed application form and the required documents have to be handed in at the Teaching Office (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A. 1.78). Contact details: +361/372-2564, nagypal.emma[]ttk.elte.hu.
Application deadline: August 27, 2021
The planned date of the entrance examination: August 31, 2021